Annual reports

Centering lived experiences:
stories of empowerment

In this year’s annual report, we spotlight the women, men, and children served by our grantees. While the Lloyd A. Fry Foundation provides grants to a wide range of organizations, we recognize that the true beneficiaries are the individuals whom those organizations support. Consider the primary school teacher who saw her students struggling with math and reading, then formed a team of teachers to improve the school’s instruction. Or the jobseeker who became a construction safety specialist, a career that provides her and her child with a family-sustaining income. Or the high school student who spent years acting and writing in the theater, gaining skills that helped her earn a college scholarship. These individuals, all highlighted in this year’s annual report, have made their impressive achievements in part because of the committed and enduring work of Fry Foundation grantees. There are thousands more Chicagoans like them.