
Overview of the process

What do you need to know before you apply?

We urge you to fully review our eligibility requirements and our funding priorities before you proceed. If you’re convinced that your organization is eligible and that your program fits our priorities, verify that you (along with any of your colleagues or collaborators) can sign into our Grant Portal. You may then submit a letter of inquiry for our program officers to review. If you receive approval, you may then submit a full proposal.

  • Visit Eligibility for Funding to see whether your organization should consider applying.

  • If your organization is eligible, visit our Funding Priorities to see whether your program is consistent with our funding goals.

  • If you have an account from a previous application, log in to the grant portal with the email address and password used previously.

    If you’ve never logged in before, you can register to create an account. Please note that the first step in registering is verifying that your organization is listed as 501(c)3 in the IRS Masterfile Database.

    If you’ve submitted an application in the past but are unsure whether you have an account with us, click "Forgot Password?" and enter the email address used for the prior application. You can then reset the password if necessary.

    If you do NOT receive the Password Reset Email within 10 minutes, click "Register" to create an account.

    For more detail, download the Fry Foundation Grant Portal Reference Guide.

  • If you are seeking support for the first time, or if you are a returning grantee seeking support for a new project, send us a letter of inquiry via the grant portal before you submit a full proposal. Allow our program officers 30 days to respond to your request.

  • If your Letter of Inquiry is approved, gather the information and documents required to submit a full proposal on the grant portal.

  • If your grant is approved, you’ll receive an email with the subject line “Signature Needed for Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Grant Agreement.”

    After review, an appropriate officer of your organization should countersign the document, then upload the executed grant agreement into the grant portal.

    Upon completion of the signed grant agreement, payments will be processed within a few business days. If we already have your bank information on file, no action is needed.

    If you have not provided your organization’s ACH information—or the information needs to be updated since your last payment—you can submit it here using our secured form.

  • 30 days before the deadline, you will receive an email with the subject line "Lloyd A. Fry Foundation: Report Submission Reminder."

    Log in to the grant portal to upload the narrative and/or financial reports.