Streamlined processes for health grantees
Mar 26, 2020
Dear Fry Foundation Health grantee,
We have been monitoring the spread of COVID-19 with a deep concern for the pressures and risks under which Fry Foundation grantees are operating. We recognize that the COVID-19 outbreak has completely disrupted your operations. Please use your current Fry Foundation grant funds for general operating purposes, where the funds are needed most. Our goal is to offer you the flexibility needed to adapt to the current environment and deal with unforeseen circumstances. We are proud to have you as a grantee, and we recognize the enormous value of your work.
We have simplified our grant report and proposal questions. Our revised questions for grant reports focus on gathering information that will help us understand the magnitude of the challenges you are facing and the ways that we might be helpful now and going forward.
Grant Report
Please address the questions below in two to three pages. If you wish to provide a longer response, you are welcome to, but it is not necessary:
What organizational changes have you made in response to COVID-19, and how has this affected your operations?
What trends, if any, do you see in your patient populations? What is the impact of the changes in healthcare provision on patient health?
What are your current primary challenges and concerns?
What impact has the COVID-19 crisis had on your financial health and stability?
For interim reports for second payments: how do you expect to use grant funds in the coming year? We know that your plans and needs may change. However, we would like to have a general sense of your current plans. Financial reports for the past year are not necessary at this time, but are welcome if you would like to provide them.
Proposal for Renewed Support
Please complete the proposal application process on our website, to the extent you are able. If you have difficulty using our online application, please contact us and feel free to submit your proposal information as an email attachment to info@fryfoundation.org. In line with our goals mentioned above, Fry Foundation renewed funding is available for general operating support.
1. For the proposal narrative section describing your project, please address the questions below in one to three pages. If you wish to provide a longer response, you are welcome to, but it is not necessary:
A. How do you expect to use grant funds in the coming year? We know that your plans and needs may change. However, we would like to have a general sense of your current plans.
B. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your current situation or concerns for the coming year?
2. Regarding other information requested in the online application, please provide information that is easily accessible to you. Let us know if an item is not available to you at this time.
3. Regarding financial information, please provide the latest financial statements and budgets that you have available, even if they are in draft and summary form. If these are not available, let us know. Attach audited financials if those are available.
Upcoming Scheduled Second Payment
For organizations that are scheduled to receive a second payment on a two-year grant, we are prepared to release grant payments one to two months earlier than scheduled. For second payments scheduled for May 2020, we are prepared to release payments as soon as your grant report is approved. For second payments scheduled for November 2020, payments may be released after July 1. Please note that although second payments may be released early, the original grant period will not change.
Please do not hesitate to contact Marcia Festen (Marcia@Festen.net) or me (USong@FryFoundation.org) with any questions. And please convey our deepest gratitude to all of your staff for their heroic work at this time.
Unmi Song